S/N | Description | Charges/Percentage |
1 | What amount do you want to charge your customers as a freelancer? | At the discretion of seller (freelancer). |
2 | Service charges in % to freelancers:
What percentage will ElevivBookZone want to charge to its freelancers? It will be applied to all services on our website. | Approximately: 12% to 15% 8% + 2.93% – US Debit or credit card 1.50% – Cards outside the US +1% for conversion of currencies other than the US dollar |
3 | Service charges in % to employers:
What percentage does ElevivBookZone want to charge to its employers while purchasing the services? It will be applied to all services on our website. | Approximately: 5% – 7% 3% + 2.93% – US Debit or credit card 1.50% – Cards outside the US +1% for conversion of currencies other than the US dollar |
4 | Payout Processing Fee | 2% |